Grace Fae Website Profile_v2.jpg

Grace Fae fell in love with vintage movie musicals as a child and started voice lessons at age eleven at the Hartford Conservatory in Connecticut. She performed as a soloist with the Hartford Symphony, the College Light Opera Company and at Operafestival di Roma in Italy as a teenager. 

After graduating from Yale University where she studied theater, opera and dance, Grace moved to New Orleans, where she soaked up the jazz sound, and paid her rent by singing in Jackson Square. She sang with a Middle Eastern band and Western Swing band Cousin Cricket in Northern California, and formed her own jazz trio, Savoy Blonde. Grace released an album, From the Apple, of her original songs in 2012. She moved to Los Angeles in 2016, where she specializes in big band jazz and swing music from the 1920s- 1940s and currently performs with Got that Swing!, The Satin Dollz and her own vintage jazz band, The Grandbirds. 

For more information about Lia Grace Fae, please visit her website.